Tuesday, December 10, 2013

more snow and promoting alexandra joy

so its tuesday and it snowed overnight! so excited 'cause this is the second day of this week that i've missed school.

so, anyway, one of the best writers on wattpad, @alexandrajoy,  restarted a blog where she posts fanart and a whole lot of other stuff about her stories. and right there, was a thingy i had made for her harry styles fanfiction, love yourself.

so anyway, i started going all "omigosh, she got it, and it's on her blog!"

lol, but anyway if you're reading this, go check out her wattpad: http://www.wattpad.com/user/AlexandraJoy

her fanfictions are simply amazing, she's just such a wonderful writer, and yeah.

if you're more a teen friction type of person, she has another account: http://www.wattpad.com/user/handwriting

here's the story i made the banner for: http://www.wattpad.com/story/2489852-love-yourself-harry-styles-wattys-2013

okay so enough for now, i guess. bye.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

snowy sundays

hello! today it snowed! yay!

i'm so happy like you don't even know.

that's my deck, btw

i hope we have a blizzard tonight, so no school tomorrow.

but the possibility of that is ... um, idk. maybe?

anyway, YOUR FACE!

LOL, sorry.

gtg drink hot cocoa and read wattpad. byeeee

Monday, November 25, 2013

teenager post thingies and why i love them so much

so i just wanted to blog about those teenager post thingies, and why i love them so much. as you can tell by the title.

so they are just so relatable and yeah, here are some of my favourites:

okay so i went a little bit crazy lol.


i went mia, whoops

so yeah, sorry. i lied. i said i would blog more frequently, but i'm /trying/ right? that has to count for something.

anyway, going to a wedding in boston on friday.

the suckish parts: we're driving 12 hours to get there. oh, and it's black friday, so like whyyyyy.

the good parts: um, wedding?? duh. and it's in boston?? yeah. oh, and that's only part 1. the second part of the wedding is in new hampshire. more driving *sigh* but ya know.

FUN FACT ABOUT ME: i like saying new hampshire like new hamp-shyre. like shy. instead of shi. um ok.

i didn't go to school today, whoo, because we had to run the mile today, and i'm an okay runner (my best mile time is 7:45) but still. running is something i like to do for fun, not something i want to be forced to do when it's freezing out, and no water breaks.

what kinda was ugh about me not going to school was that i was sick, and my head hurt, and whenever i talked my throat felt like crap so yeah.

i'm doing a double post today, so bye lovelies, haha, i bet nobody is reading this, and if you are i love you, bai.

Friday, November 1, 2013

halloween, pooh bear, and bye

hi hi hi! so i actually am daily updating. that will change, coz this is the weekend.

anyway, i just wanted to quickly say stuff.

but if i did, i would be a...

idk. um, a nerdy, unpopular girl with a bunch of books in her hand. oh, wait...that's me.


ok bye.




Thursday, October 31, 2013

hey guys!

hey guys. this is my first blog here. ok, so maybe not my first, but i deleted all my other ones (they failed). does that count?

anyway, this is kinda going to be a rant book, so yeah. leave now if you don't like listening to 13-year old girls type-yelling about how emotional they can get if they listen to story of my life by 1d.

no? you don't like it? bye.

i'm joking, it'll have normal everyday stuff, too. like how unfair it was that i got a C on my math summative because wasn't it so obvious that i had studied SO hard?

i didn't really get a c, in case you're wondering.

anyway, first post. i'll tell you more about me, i guess.

i eat watermelon real fast.

i listen to stuff and i get emotionally...disturbed.

harry styles is mine. wanna fight? ya! ya! *throws weak punches*

well, actually i do karate. so let me say that again. WANNA FIGHT?

ball is life, as said in my profile. i heart basketball. and soccer. and dodgeball. fun! 

ok, funny story: yesterday in school i was in homeroom and this kid who loves annoying people goes,"Basketball sucks." me and this other dude who loves b-ball, we both stand up and go, "What? You SHUT UP!"
we both cracked up. what? it was funny.

as you can see, i only capitalize when neccesary. ya.

i think that's good for now, you'll learn about me as we go on. hopefully, i won't abandon this, ok. until next time. chow!